None of these are on the same network. They are all out on the public Internet. This is from my desk at my client. It's an enterprise-grade connection. Cogent\Zayo SLA backed service. I'm not privy to what they pay, but being SLA backed, if they don't get their full gigabit 24/7 (obviously there's other things using the circuit either at my client or the servers), they're due a credit or can escape the contract.
Nine different servers on nine different networks that are all less than 10 ms and are not on-net. I could keep going to additional servers, but I don't feel that's necessary to debunk the idea that I'm running it to an internal, on-net server. Some of them are even a three hour drive away.
I'll try the Mercury tests and I'll try my laptop which has a lot more CPU later this week. Maybe I can get them to get me a bigger machine. Even though it has 16 GB of RAM, it's getting long in the tooth.
I'm not here to trash one methodology or to promote another. I'm just trying to find the test that's the most accurate the most of the time. I do agree on the single thread vs. multithread.
Seeing the latency during the test would be nice. I wish there was something like Cisco's IP-SLA that one could use for these. While the test was occurring, there's realtime loss, latency and jitter measurements. Great for finding connections that falter under load.
I'm actually involved in a few projects to increase throughput and decrease latency in many locations on the Internet.