I have Time Warner's RoadRunner cable Internet service and am going crazy with a new little problem which has developed:
My Internet connection is sporadically lost and I'm at a loss to explain why. This almost always happens like this:
1. Open Firefox
2. The New York Times site loads correctly as my default start page
3. I try to navigate to a different page (from Favorites or by typing in URL)
4. I get "The page www.xxxxxx.com cannot be found."
Now, the interesting thing is, if I click around on the nytimes.com site that already loaded, the pages load fine. It's clear I'm still connected to the Internet, I just can't visit any other sites. Even if I try opening another browser like Internet Explorer, it won't find that browser's default start page or any other site. Also doesn't matter if I try to use my Favorites or manually type in the URL... the sites won't load.
Now, usually within 30 sec to 3 or 4 minutes, everything seems to fix itself and I can navigate as usual (until the next outage). Turning the modem on and off also usually, but not always, works.
I've had the modem for about 2 months (it's an RCA brand), but the problem only cropped up last week. I have a wifi router, but I removed it from the network chain and the problem still occurs, so it's not the router. Nothing has changed recently on my system. I did a full virus and adware scan, which came up clean. Time Warner will surely tell me to bring the router in for a new one, but any feedback will be most appreciated!