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Everything posted by hid

  1. ot this 1 http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/B000E3WXGW/qid=1147104992/sr=2-1/ref=sr_2_3_1/203-1094824-9327104
  2. what about this one: http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00076WEQA/203-1094824-9327104
  3. PCI - i think?
  4. Geforce 6800 - nvidea
  5. I want 2 connect my pc with 2 moniters. one moniter is the 1 i use right now (19'' flat panel) and i would like to use my old CRT 17'' moniter as a second screen 4 my pc. how do i do this? I have completely no idea where 2 start, what components and softwares i need. please help? thanks
  6. Which external hard drive should i buy, in terms of manufacturer, quality and performance. i'm thinking of spending around
  7. hey all i just wanted to know what methods you use to clean your computer both from outside and in (if ever)? my computer is getting preety dusty, especially from inside and i'm thinking of opeing it (4 first time) and giving it a good old clean.
  8. ok. - my moniters a dell ultra sharp flat panel. i think my moniter supports 75hz but i also have the choice 2 go to 150hz. is there anyway i can chek the level it goes up 2.
  9. thanks i'm not sure what level my moniter supports. r there any websites where i'll be able to test the refresh rate. also i understand the screen flicker is reduced but what does this actualy equal/mean.
  10. i have my current screen refresh rate at 60 hertz but i have the choice to increase this to 75hertz, should i. and what advantage will this set for me. also r there any disadvantages to this. THANKS
  11. so wats this emulation thing that achol120 and demon tools have?
  12. i unistalled the file then i tried to unmount it from V drive. few hours l8ter, its ok now. not sure wat cause problem. anyway - alch120 = is it any good. i have it but not sure how to use it. how do i create Virtual drives and mount images with that. also wats this emulation thing that achol120 and demon tools have?
  13. i am trying to unmount an image wit daemon tools but a message comes up saying: 'unable to unmount image. unit is locked' what do i do 2 unmount the image?
  14. Bring bak the stars
  15. Ok thanks? anyway - i want A firewall that is good and its juts a firewall. i have Zonealarm but that slows down my download speeds when downloading. any1 know any good programs. also http://www.adwarereport.com/mt/archives/000223.html claims ewido software is crap? is this website 4 real.
  16. avg and pc gurad are free programs. thanks for ur comment
  17. is it advisable to run 2 anti virus programs together - i run AVG with PC Guard? PC guard offers anti virus, firewall,anti- spyware,pop up blocker and a privacy manager however AVG is better at detecting viruses and so i use both. i also use the xp firewall with another firewall software? r there any problems or issues 2 this? Thanks
  18. i'm confused
  19. is the extention for firefox to open ie pages any good.
  20. hid


    i burned it with nero iso but it says the file is too big, burn with udf. so i did and it goes onto the disk but the file remains in its orignal format, unchaged. what software burns these anyway?
  21. hid


    how do i open .daa files. what do i burn them with - please give instuctions. thanks
  22. is it worth buying the current HD T'V. i've heard the current tv's can't reach upto their maxium quality level.
  23. thanks for ur help, every1
  24. whats an average CPU usage rate. - what should one keep it at.
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