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Everything posted by hid

  1. Happy birthday -- HAVE A GOOD ONE
  2. hey all Would anybody be able to tell me how do i add extra file on folder onto a cd/dvd disk before i burn it. I have an iso file and i know how to burn that - but there is a patch for that file and i want that patch on the same disk as the 'iso', so before i burn the iso onto the disk, i also want a folder containg the patch with in the disk so that they are burned together. I heard poweriso can do this but i'm not sure what u do? what would u recomend------->
  3. hey all How do i remove My way search assistant from my dell computer. i've checked a few forums but there a bit confusing. i tried from add/remove program but the thing is still there does anyone know? :whaa:
  4. hid


    Hey this is good info, thanks. Do you think it will work for my virus problem? anyway - i carried out an auto scan on MS website and it has not found anything yet i still have the virueses on me computer. Mcafee (Trail) version - removed the infected area's but i think the virus just reloads back itself how can i remove it? will the manual procedure work for me ?????
  5. Now Bitdefender found this within the same temp folder; PortScan.Angry Bitdefender can't disinfect these for some reason. Can anyone recomend a program that will remove these. I've tried spysweeper but nothing. i've tried above suggestions but no luck. ??????????
  6. Bitdefender has detected that i have: Adware.Myway.V How do i remove these?
  7. well i have AVG free and that has not found anything yet. i also have Nod32 and tha hasn found anything either? i'll give the online ones a try?
  8. Could someone please help me, i am recieveing a virus alert with Bitdefender warning me about a virus within my temp folder. even though Bitdef is blocking how do i get rid of the whole files. The files area is: c:windowstemptmp100 Note: after temp(THE FILES VARY HERE) Please help i'm tryying with bitdef but it takes ages! How do i get rid of these?
  9. how do i enable it on firefox?
  10. hey all Is there anyway to signin quick to websites e.g. email or this site. so everytime i visit a site my username is already on site bar. or like a press a button and it fills in the bar area's e.g. my username and password. get wat i mean
  11. hey Is there anyway to save my firefox bookmarks as i re-install xp. I have an external hardrive - would i be able to store them onto there or on a memory stick. also once i re-install xp, will i be still have all the things i transfer from my interna HD to the EXternal 1. so once its fully booted i can put some of the data back into the internal one from the external. thanks.
  12. hid

    Direct X10

    hey i'm confused over this DX10 issue. when DX10 is launched - is it going to be a component that you will need to install into your PC or will it be a software which you just download?
  13. hey all Just tested if my computer could run vista and it passed all area's expect space - getting a hardrive anyway so thats ok. test yours and see your results. The software tells you what you need if you wanna run vista. Link below: http://www.microsoft.com/windowsvista/getready/upgradeadvisor/default.mspx
  14. ms still works propely. reply 3 what u mean by thing at bottom.
  15. sorry didn't work.
  16. hey my word documents seem to have changed icons from ms office word icon to some wordpad icon. the wordpad icon looks like a - pad with lines and an A. how do i change the icon back to normal word icon?
  17. ? but i have orignals - if 2 computers run from 1 disk. does this happen
  18. hey my computer is warning me of the anti-virus protection data base being out of date. i've checked for updates and everything is fully working and up 2 date, yet it says the same thing. I use AVG (NOT THE FREE ONE) and it says ''internal virus database out of date''. i also have kerpesky and installed that yet same problem and says that, thats out of date 2. :angry5: ?????????? help.
  19. for light scribe - do i need to purchase a riter that can create covers
  20. what do u mean stickers. do i purchase some stickers and then stick that with cover and onto disk???????
  21. hey what do i need to put covers onto cd/dvd disks (NOT CD/DVD box) - what software/glue/machine etc will allow me to put covers onto the disks. i know where 2 get covers just wanna know how to place them onto disk.
  22. hey i've deleted a file which i need back and its not in the recycle bin. how can i get it back. please help
  23. hey all i want to know if its possible to play video games over network offline. my pc is in one room and my brothers is in another close by and i want to play some games with him over a network. i am currently sharing the internet over network and i want 2 know if its possible to play games or not, and offline. also will my brothers computer need a copy of the game to play me or can we play each other over 1 copy of game. thanks
  24. i don't understand what u mean i don't understand what your mean by enclousure? Basic knowlodge i woud say? EAGER TO LEARN MORE
  25. I am really intrested in this 1: http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/B000EXZAOY/qid=1147104992/sr=1-8/ref=sr_1_3_8/203-1094824-9327104
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