I have a xbox and I just bought the advanced av cables because I what dolby digital. When
i plug the toslink cable to the advanced av thing and the back of the suround system it works
but it seems like the sound is off by 1 or 2 seconds and it is really pissing me off. Any ideas why it would be off by 1or 2 seconds and how can i fix it.. Thanks
today i was thinking of selling all of my game things. here is the list. (remember i am selling it all at gamestop)
black gamecube
2 wavebirds controllers
2 nintendo 251 memory cards
1 8mb memory card
1 64mb memory card
gamecube broadband adapter
6 translucent gamecases
1 6 foot controller extenstion
gamecube to gba link cable
madden 2004
animal crossing with memeory card
madden 2002
ufc throwdown
phantasy star online episode 1and 2
007 nightfire
allstarbaseball 2002
splinter cell
soul caliber 2
turok evoultion
backyard baseball
starwars rogue leader
madden 2003
nhl hits 2002
timespliiters 2
nfl 2k3
ssx tricky
davemirra freestyle bmx 2
nfl street
moh:rising sun
starwars rebel strike rogue squadron 3
f-zero gx
nhl 2004
vietiful joe
ncaa footbal 2004
mariokart double dash
1080 avalanch
prince of persia sands of time
true crime streets of l.a
mario golf toadstool tour
gamecase that holds 12 games
1 extra a/c power thing for gamecube
gameboy advance system
madden 2002 for gba
thps 2 for gba
car adapter+a/c adapter for gba
powerpuff game for gbc
pokemon silver
game gallery 2 for gbc
rugrats the movie game
link cable
that all lot of shit. how much money would i get (remember i am selling it at gamestop).
Speed Test Results
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Your connection is: 2396 Kbps (about 2.4 Mbps)
You downloaded at: 292 KB/sec
I have dsl and for the past 3 month my upload was about 300 but know the last few test im getting like only 150 . why i have spysweeper and sbybot i need help.