As consumers, we each pay for plans that offer "x' Mbps down and "y" Mbps up, and as we know that, for a variety of reasons no one gets those speed 100% of the time.
Now, the speeds available via cable where I am range from 25 Mbps down and 2 Mbps up, all the way to 250 Mbps down and 20 Mbps up.
What I am curious about is, do people who get the more expensive plans ever get speeds so low, that match the low speeds of customers paying for a slower service? Does anyone have a 250 Mbps down package and consistently get less than 25 Mbps download speeds?
I'm not sure I'll get enough replies here to see something worth while statistically, but perhaps someone will point me in the right direction as well as share their story.
Heck! may have this data already and I just don't know how to look it up.