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Everything posted by jcello

  1. Have been using this site, but never registered until now to respond to your post. I had DWay for several years, never totally satisfied but the only option in my semirural area. Switched to DSL when it became available--MUCH better than DWay. However I moved, and voila, no cable or DSL. Went back to Dway, not satisfied, stumbled on WildBlue, and with them now for about 6 months. The real bottom line is my wife (a pure user, no techno insights whatsoever). She recognizes that WB is MUCH better than DWay (not DSL, but decidedly superior for satellite). Not only faster (especially pings and uploads), but more reliable. Given the date of your post, my response might not be too helpful. But at least you got me to register!! Good luck.
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