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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by ankido

  1. @fulcrum37, I had http://www.surfboard.com/products/sbg6580/which is the SBG6580. It worked great but I wanted MoCA. So i switched to http://www.surfboard.com/products/sbg6782-ac/ SBG6782-AC. My speeds have improved but fluctuate. I really like the MoCA 1.1 access point. I plan to hook up a cable box using MoCA in my office without having to deal with COAX wires going through walls. One of the main reasons why I purchased this modem. Does it make my internet faster? Yes, I've noticed it on "A" moving a lot faster. Unfortunately, the speeds on this website show me very very low from my 50Mbps Blast! service I get from Comcast. The modem you have chosen is not bad.
  2. Hi, I'm one that never understood speed. Once I saw numbers going BIG I would get excited. This didn't mean my streaming would be good. I don't get it, why are my numbers different? The worse numbers I get are from testmy.net. I am with comcast Chicago at 50Mbps Blast! I know anything over 100 is the Blast! for 30 seconds and then after that it's 50Mbps. 12? Come on now. I'm not really getting consistent 12Mbps. That's just not true. When I'm in torrents, it shows over 100Mbps. I'm so confused. https://testmy.net/6SXkelLQ.png http://speedof.me/show.php?img=150511110438-81128.png
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