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Gio Bacareza

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Gio Bacareza last won the day on November 2 2015

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  1. What is the guideline for choosing test servers https://testmy.net/mirror? Why should I choose one over another? Noobie question. Searched forums but couldn't find any.
  2. My ISP told me they only guarantee "local loop." Is there a way I can test the "local loop" using TMN?
  3. As promised, here are the results at 10MB DL, Servers = San Francisco https://testmy.net/stats/?&t=u&d=11032015&x=2&l=100&q=Gio Bacareza It's a dismal 1.4Mbps average on a published rate of 20Mbps
  4. I trust your results and I have to say that I'm so grateful for this tool. It is the most comprehensive tool out there. The problem is the Telco (or ISP). They will always point out to some other reason but not them when there's degradation of speeds or when they are not giving the speeds that they have marketed and what customers are paying for. It's the main reason I'm trying to understand how TMN works (I'm just a noobie right now.) The clearer I can explain to them the results and the more variables we can put as "control" the less reasons they will have to point the finger to something else. Good work guys! And thanks for the patience as I try to understand TMN. As promised, I will update this post with the results of the latest 24-hour run which should finish in 5 hours.
  5. Thank you. I will implement your recommendations but I have a couple of questions/comments: I was only doing this because of your earlier recommendation to change my servers to china for where it was originally which was calfornia. My aim is not to test to mainland China but to make my ISP honest. So whichever server it is that would reflect this which I assume to be where my normal traffic is then I'll use that server. Am I correct in this assumption? If I do autotest on both DL and UL, I can set minimums on each but I can only set NFW on both. So do you mean to set DL min size = 10MB, UL min size = not specified and NFW = YES? As promised, sharing with you my analysis on the results of the recently concluded test run from 10/31 to 11/1/2015. The interesting findings are: 1. Opposite to what I experienced before, this test run showed that DL tests with smaller sizes (average of 140MB) shot up to 42Mbps (which is way beyond ISP speed for my plan of 20Mbps) compared to 256MB/20Kbps before. Interesting. You can see a rough correlation here. (https://www.evernote.com/l/AAngLKFM6wBNII4wWIY2JWqES3f7OHwztqM) Why is this? 2. Why is it that despite setting size = 5MB, TMN still tests at these smaller sizes? 3. The other interesting result is that UL was the opposite to DL: The smaller the size the slower the speeds. https://www.evernote.com/l/AAkZT4eKtQBHJ5RGBzBq8F_pGy3DsK5eEdM. Why is this? Anyways, use those results whereever it is applicable. I will do another 24 hour run with your new recommendations and share results as per usual when done. Thanks!
  6. Sorry for just replying. Was away from computer. So as per your recommendation, I am doing an autotest with these parameters: Test: Combined Every: hour Repeat: 24 Min DL: 5MB Min UL: 5MB nfw: Yes Results of first go (1 of 24): Sat Oct 31 2015 @ 1:16:03 pm PH 5 MB 4.66 Mbps 583 kB/s Gio Bacareza 4506914847577 YNVT8Wq9i Sat Oct 31 2015 @ 1:15:23 pm PH 384 kB 444 Kbps 56 kB/s 450689724005 AUsCKebGD Sat Oct 31 2015 @ 1:15:13 pm PH 5 MB 1.04 Mbps 131 kB/s Gio Bacareza 4506914847577 spZLoqhfA Sat Oct 31 2015 @ 1:14:52 pm PH 256 kB 164 Kbps 21 kB/s 450689724005 ETK0U9mqW Sat Oct 31 2015 @ 1:14:42 pm PH 672 kB 411 Kbps 51 kB/s 450688527172 iTzebcQIn :::.. Internet Speed Test Result Details ..::: Download Connection Speed:: 1032 Kbps or 1 Mbps Download Speed Test Size:: 5 MB or 5120 kB or 5242880 bytes Download Binary File Transfer Speed:: 129 kB/s Upload Connection Speed:: 4664 Kbps or 4.7 Mbps Upload Speed Test Size:: 5 MB or 5120 kB or 5242880 bytes Upload Binary File Transfer Speed:: 583 kB/s Timed:: Download: 40.661 seconds | Upload: 8.994 seconds Tested At:: http://TestMy.net Test Time:: 2015-10-31 13:16:03 Local Time Client Location:: PH https://testmy.net/country/ph Target:: Hong Kong, CN http://cn.testmy.net Validation:: https://testmy.net/db/spZLoqhfA.YNVT8Wq9i TiP Measurement Summary (Download):: Min 0.65 Mbps | Middle Avg 1.1 Mbps | Max 2.04 Mbps | 103% Variance TiP Data Points:: 1.63 Mbps, 0.66 Mbps, 0.65 Mbps, 1.48 Mbps, 1.36 Mbps, 1.46 Mbps, 2.04 Mbps, 1.26 Mbps, 0.98 Mbps, 1.21 Mbps, 1.12 Mbps, 1 Mbps, 1.05 Mbps, 0.78 Mbps, 0.69 Mbps, 0.85 Mbps, 1 Mbps, 1.07 Mbps, 1.18 Mbps Client Stats:: https://testmy.net/quickstats/Gio%20Bacareza https://testmy.net/compID/4506914847577 User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/46.0.2490.80 Safari/537.36 [!] QUESTION: Why does the table show multiple tests with multiple sizes even when (a) I have set nfw and (b) text results show tests size to be 5MB and consistent with parameters? Thanks PS. Will post table results after 24 hours.
  7. I only run auto tests and on fire and forget mode, ie i set the the frequency usually every hour for the next 24 hours. I'm not sure about the PAUSE. I have not configured any. Like I said, it's fire and forget. So I only noticed it when I tabulated and analyzed the results. I'm quite concerned because I've raised a ruckus with PLDT, my ISP, and they're scrambling to fix it. (I've shown them the the table with further analysis like histograms and regression curves. hehe) But it seems that I have the high speeds but TMN is just reporting the 20Kbps at 256MB as the table shows because of the way the test works?
  8. tried with Server in HK and at 256 as instructed. here results https://testmy.net/db/SKpznXshW tried again with 20MBS https://testmy.net/db/kKz~udEh7
  9. sorry wasn't quite following your instructions (it's because I noted a strange behavior with the 512) but I've done the 3 tests now. thanks PS. do check the behaviour of 512. It's different from the 10MB and 20MB because it tests all sizes starting from 512 while 10 and 20 just tests at those sizes only. FYI
  10. Hi thanks for quick response. I tried to do download tests with manual sizes and testmy.net proceeded to tests from 512 up to the highest. However the logged results did not include 512. I tried to do it thru the links you provided, still the same. results: Date Type Size kB Test Size Converted Score Kbps Score Mbps Score kB/s Score MB/s Username Computer ID ISP / Host Extra Identifier Test ID 10/30/15 13:35 DN 35328 34.5 MB 18597 18.16 2325 2.27 Gio Bacareza 4.50691E+12 philippine_long_dist 61------ph uolJayCMA 10/30/15 13:31 DN 40832 39.9 MB 23639 23.08 2955 2.89 Gio Bacareza 4.50691E+12 philippine_long_dist 61------ph pLW7sEPIc 10/30/15 13:30 DN 12096 11.8 MB 15140 14.79 1893 1.85 Gio Bacareza 4.50691E+12 philippine_long_dist 61------ph AukrcLzIH Anyways here's the text results: :::.. Download Speed Test Result Details ..::: Download Connection Speed:: 25899 Kbps or 25.9 Mbps Download Speed Test Size:: 50.9 MB or 52096 kB or 53346304 bytes Download Binary File Transfer Speed:: 3237 kB/s or 3.2 MB/s Tested At:: http://TestMy.net Version 15 Validation:: https://testmy.net/db/xHpN6TKJl TiP Measurement Summary:: Min 11.2 Mbps | Middle Avg 29.99 Mbps | Max 35.64 Mbps | 52% Variance TiP Data Points:: 11.2 Mbps, 25.44 Mbps, 29.32 Mbps, 32.82 Mbps, 35.26 Mbps, 31.23 Mbps, 30.79 Mbps, 32.77 Mbps, 31.2 Mbps, 34.5 Mbps, 35.64 Mbps, 33.74 Mbps, 35.39 Mbps, 25.46 Mbps, 20.91 Mbps, 23.68 Mbps, 24.75 Mbps, 27 Mbps, 29.43 Mbps Client Stats:: https://testmy.net/quickstats/Gio%20Bacareza https://testmy.net/compID/4506914847577 Test Time:: 2015-10-30 13:43:13 Local Time Client Location:: PH https://testmy.net/country/ph Target:: San Jose, CA US http://west.testmy.net Client Host:: Philippine Long Distance Telephone https://testmy.net/hoststats/philippine_long_dist Compare:: 1846% faster than host avg, 1982% faster than country avg, 68% faster than world index 1MB Download in 0.32 Seconds - 1GB Download in ~5 Minutes - 462X faster than 56K This test of exactly 52096 kB took 16.491 seconds to complete User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/46.0.2490.80 Safari/537.36 [!] Are there steps I'm missing? thanks
  11. I did a series of hourly tests and I noticed something which I found strange. Speeds measured when sending at smaller sizes (256 kB) almost invariably measures slow speeds (averaging 20Kbps). Is this normal? What's the explanation? details of measurements: https://testmy.net/stats/?&t=u&d=10302015&x=60&l=500&q=Gio%20Bacareza
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