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  • Speed Test

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Everything posted by ArrowMaker

  1. How disappointing! Their ads claim 3X to 5X as fast as DSL & cable. Time to sue the bastards! Thanks for your help. I'll stay in touch with Testmy.net to follow developments.
  2. I have now performed several download and upload tests with varying results,some okay, most too slow. What should I do now?
  3. We just had Dish satellite internet installed because our speed was so bad at the bitter end of a Verizon DSL line. Dish satellite internet has been terrible, really slow when we can get a connection at all. Are we alone? Shouldn't satellite internet be much faster and more reliable than either DSL or Cable? In this case it sure is not. What's your experience? We are well out in the country and cable is not even available, so DSL was the other option. We had hopped satellite internet would be better. So far it certainly is not. Is this usual?
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