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Posts posted by gotta

  1. 10/1 is not $15.00, it's $10.00 extra per month and depending on your circumstances you should have no trouble at all getting great performance.  Since you didn't post any specifics its kind of hard for us to tell anything.

    Also which speed tests did you use...checked under your user name and could find no recorded results.  Are you logged in to tmn when you do your speed tests or are you using another site?

    The 10mbps/1mbps is an extra 15 dollars with Brighthouse in Orlando, FL. the 7/512 is $45, and the 10/1 is $60. that's 15 dollars. I pay the bill each month, so I kind of know what I'm being charged. http://cfl.mybrighthouse.com/services/high_speed/RoadRunnerPackages.aspx

    I wasn't complaining. I was trying to assist nocal, by telling him my situation, as I am also in the Central Florida region. I've never been logged on while doing my speedtest is why you don't see my speeds. I dont' really have any problems though. I mean, I can post up whatever you need to know, but it won't really assist me, as I get "up to 10 mbps download" and "up to 1 mbps" upload during non-peak hours. during peak hours, i still get around 6-7 mbps down and around 900 kbps up.

    not trying to start any trouble, just trying to help.

  2. i upgraded to their 10/1 for the extra 15 dollars. I wasn't getting the entire 10mbps for a long time. last week, i was also recieving really terrible service for about a day. now I have seen speeds up to 1.1mbyte/s download and 125 kbyte/s upload.

    i just ran the test and i was ~7.5 mbps and ~955 kbps. I have seen better and I have seen worse. I really just wanted the extra upload, so i'm comfortable with the 7.5 and not the full 10.

    I would give it a little time. btw, I am in Orlando near UCF's main campus, if that makes a difference to you at all.

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