I work for Comcast. What I have been told by my superiors is that the "powerburst" as Comcast wil call it will be a sort of button that you push that will open your modem config file wide open. So of course if you do this when there is a lot of congestion then you will not see as much of a change than if there is less. No doubt there will be a limit to the amount of time you use the "powerburst" but what I have been told is this is mainly for if you have a large download and want to get it faster then you use the "powerburst". It won't open your connection wide all day.
Hey, did you ever think about maybe calling tech support and demanding that they fix the problem. Obviously the problem is with the eMTA unless you have changed the MTU on your router or something. Adding the speedtier will do nothing to your download if your not even getting near the 6Mb download your supposed to get. Call up support. You probably got a bad eMTA.