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About DeedeeT

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. Internet died again for last 15 mins or so, back up for now. We talked about getting a T1, but we need more than that really. Doesn't a T1 only have 1MB and you can't go above that?
  2. We're paying $350/month, and this week it has been virtually useless. It's hit or miss everytime we log on. For about $50/month more we can get a commited 1M pipe, burtable up to 3M, but that requires a three year commitment with the current ISP, and given its performance, that scares me!
  3. Thanks richcornucopia. To clarify, the emails are going outside of our network. We send a lot of press releases, often with pictures attached. The thing is that this is not new, we've been doing it for years, it's only recently become a problem. I've heard that our ISP, Skyline Broadband, was purchased by US Wireless who fired much of the tech staff. They've made an attractive offer to increase our capacity, but it involves making a two to three year commitment. I hesitate to do that based on all of the current Internet problems we're encountering. I will see what Sprint can offer, but I've heard they're expensive. Can you recommend any other ISPs servicing Southwest Florida? Thanks again!
  4. I am the Office Manager for a small company. We have 8-10 people on line every workday. Our Internet has become increasingly slow, especially over the last two weeks. The users in the office say they are not sending more emails than in the past, "we've always done this and it never slowed down like this before...", but our ISP says our traffic has been much higher lately. We do not have committed bandwidth, we have
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