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About hillycat

  • Birthday 09/30/1953

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    reading and viewing sci-fy

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  1. Thanks to all who have replied, I will check on all this and maybe my issues will clear. If not I guess it might be time to go buy a new laptop!!
  2. Thank you for the info. Since I am the only one on my satellite will that still affect my speed? How do I clear the cache?
  3. I guess what I really mean is if this info means I need a new computer or if there is something simple I can do to speed/clean it up?!!
  4. Can someone explain in plain english what the results mean other than this % something and that % something. I am totally not computer literate. My laptop is 10+ years old and a new wireless router was recently installed and since then the laptop seems to have slowed way down. Thanks in advance.
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