.......Hello. This is my first post here and I am not happy. I had HughesNet installed at my house yesterday. I initially signed up for it because of the download speeds its salespeople boast about. Boy, what false advertising. I have tweaked everything I can, or know how to......ports, ip's...blah blah blah. Used the Optimizer from HewesNet.com. Im not an expert on computers, and certainly not on Satelite Internet Service. I have a DW7000, and I cannot get a decent speed for nothing. I am at work right now, so I cannot post speed results, but will do so later. In downloading.....I am getting a pretty crappy number. When I open my program....I get a NAT firewall error message. Of course Tech support says that the System is automatically firewalled from the network and that there is no way to turn this setting off....so thats probably where that problem is coming from. But in that program, when I test my port #, it says NAT error. I change the port # a bajillion times, and get the same NAT error every single time. What is my trouble here????? Downloading off the internet im getting about 143kbps thats BYTES not BITS. Is that Normal???? I sure hope not LOL SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!!!!!! ILL POST SPEED TEST RESULTS LATER : ) THANKS!!