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    tarriel reacted to CA3LE in google login Forbidden   
    Google login will be temporarily disabled.  Click "forgot password" if you don't remember setting a password.
    Thank you for reporting this.  Seems like every so often Google updates the security with that.   Breaks my google login here every so often.
    This is the first time it's not connecting right back up.  Seems like they want something verified by a human and it says it can take up to two weeks.  /sigh  -- I guess I modified my logo they had on file a while back.  But it also had an alert for G+ permissions
    I don't really think that's the issue though.  I think that change has been sitting there for months... I just never realized that you have to hit "Submit for review." -- guess the "Save" button isn't enough for Google.

    Pretty much sounds like it's working on their end.  And if it wasn't... I'd really expect it to error on the initial click, not after the password is entered, verified with google and login starts to initiate.
    They should email me when it's done.  (again, I don't think that's the real issue.)  Until then I have an email out to Invision (the authors of the forum software here), they'll probably shed some light.  
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    tarriel got a reaction from CA3LE in google login Forbidden   
    your google login option appears to be broken. it comes up with a forbidden page.
    You don't have permission to access /ipb/oauth/callback/ on this server.
    Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
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