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Everything posted by TheSevnthWarrior

  1. HI guys...just signed up here..cool sight. I shouldn't be shocked, yet still I am in awe of this post...it's nearly Identical to my experience with Charter. I hate 'em (not in the literal meaning, but you know what I mean) They provide horrendous customer service...I have caught them on 3 separate occasions flat out lying to me. (I know this because I know someone who works there, and they are unaware of my relationship with their employee) When I had the 500 service, I NEVER (I can't emphasize that enough) had a rating over 300...which is sickening considering even they claim the minimum connection speed for the 500 (max) plan, is "384". Now I have upgraded to the 3000 plan, and I just now got my highest rating so far at 2040...it's usually much lower. Wait, there's more. After 2 yrs of complaining, one C/Service rep said she would upgrade us to the 3000 plan for FREE to compensate me for the previous yrs of nonsense. However it didn't happen, and when we called to check out WHY we weren't receiving the higher speed yet...they said they had no idea what we were talking about..and get this....when we said "so and so" is the person who promised us the upgrade, they said we don't have anyone working here by that name!!! I have 2 choices...burn down their facility (I'm kidding) or go DSL because they are the lone cable co around here - no competition. Anybody have any input on any of this? Thanks!
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