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  1. I have had them for 106 days, they made the same claims. my speed is almost always 660 kps. They advertise streaming, but the second you do that, bang, 660 kps. I cannot pay my bill from my account because it does not recognize my address. They expect me to call every month and give out my debit card, ant only once did I get a tech in the US, always India. I cannot understand a word they say and am very uncomfortable giving out my debut card ti India. No offence intended but never going t do that. Yes I can set up a bill pay but the point is, they should fix that issue of not recognizing my address and I think all American companies should have on their web paper right up front that they only use Foreign customer service agents. That is grounds for cancellation in my book. Guess I should file a complaint to the BBB, and since the US sold out, the FCC is completely useless and nothing more than a tax drain and scam. I anyone still even being suckered by Hughesnet other than me?
  2. Average is always 1 meg or below. Was paying $94 and some change for a mere 30 gigs. Have now dropped it to 10 megs for $50 a month. Just waiting for spectrum to get here so I can dump hughesnet. WORST ISP I HAVE EVER HAD SINCE FEBRUARY 1996. DO NOT BUY FROM THEM- THEY HAVE A $480 TERMINATION FEE. Spectrum buys out ETF which I think should be illegal since hughesnet has not once delivered their proclaimed speed of 25 megs down- not once! My tests show up to 45.9 megs which I have never seen so I am not sure abut that result, plus says average is 19 megs, never experienced that either.
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