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Everything posted by AuntLuella

  1. Hi Thanks for your reply. I just about gave up for a while and didn't see your reply. We have just moved to NBN - fibre to curb. Using the sydney servers TMN is giving 21, telstra 46.9 and singapore just tested 32 and 40.6. So I guess I have nothing to complain about now. Cheers Laura
  2. Hi I'm Laura aka Aunt Luella I'm hoping some of the more experienced members will have some suggestions for me. I am experiencing intermittent speed drops and dropouts and I am not getting anywhere with telstra support and I want some speed test records to back me up. Seems every time you ring them the speed goes up - funny that! ATM I am getting a huge disparity between the speeds recorded by testmynet - which hasn't recorded over 600 kbps for the last 24 hours and telstra recording around between 2.8 and 7 Mbps. The upload speeds are both similar around 500 - 600 kbps. The telstra speed test always records faster speeds and I expect this, but not the difference that is being recorded now. Can anyone suggest why this might be. I must say that at moment Telstra's 7Mbps (cf 375 kbps on testmynet) feels like the more realistic speed with the way I am able to browse or play youtube videos. I am in Perth Australia and using the Sydney servers. Cheers
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