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About bent240LV

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. Is this for real? is there a valid link to this info? What if you subsribe to a montly mesaging plan? Cigular sucks, least dropped calls my booty
  2. i did get a gual link... This is what i purchased http://www.rosewill.com/product/product.aspx?productId=545
  3. also when using DVi cable, some setting are not available, like the auto adjust and a fine and coarse settings. Why is that?
  4. After using this monitor for a while i must sa it is not all that great. I purchased A DVI cable and it seems like the text is worse with the DVI. I keep on adjusting the monitor COntrast/brightness etc but i just cant seem to get it right. Maybe i will get he sony after all....
  5. ill see if BB will give me one for free... ill tel them i want to return the monitor if they wont. LOL nah J/k.. but maybe they might give me one. SO are the magic tune and natural color software any good? Thanks for the fast reply.
  6. ok i picked up the samsung 931 BF...... little disspapointed....no dvi cable included ... that sucks
  7. NO love for the sony huh?? lol i am torn between the samsung and the sony.... The sony just looks better. The colors look great with the X-brite wahtever it is. Im not sure if you guys have seen this monitor before or not. Thanks for the advice i will make a decision soon.
  8. Thanks...im not good at technical things, what makes this better than the sony? if you dont mind me asking.
  9. I want to get a new monitor and i mainly want just a good lookling image. I'm not to concerned about gaming quality. The Sony seems to have a very nice picture with the x-brite coating or whatever it is. It is glossy and pretty nice, does not have such a pixeled (SP) like other LCD's Your advice is appreciated, thanks http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=7803111&type=product&productCategoryId=cat01011&id=1142293092513 NOt to sure what the difference between these two are... http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=7894086&type=product&productCategoryId=cat01011&id=1149205183814 http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=7824278&type=product&productCategoryId=cat01011&id=1142295055176 I realy like the way this one looks http://puredigitalhawaii.com/main/catalog/item/337/?module=438
  10. Thanks a bunch
  11. well i work in a hotel so i want a daily email that we can pass on from shift to shift that lists the events of the day and any other special information about specific guest. I want template though to minimize the length of emails and also to have a "format" that everyone can read so it's more uniformed.
  12. I want to create a message template for outlook that i can use again and again. I want more of a form that i can add info to daily and send. But i want to be able to go into outlook and open the form again and type new info in it and send it agian. Hope i have not made this sound to confusing, is this posible? Thanks
  13. i would like something that could be loaded up to the web or even better just a web based data management program
  14. ok thanks for the help
  15. hello, i am writting because my wife needs some help. She helps out the local basset hound rescue and they are trying to arrange all the data they have on the dogs. They are looking for some kind of program that will do that easily and possibly be web based so they can log in to it. I believe they are currently using some tpe of quick books program but are not happy with it. Any help would be appreciated. please let me know if you have any kind os questions. some of the ate they need to have are id #, chip #, names, dates, who adopted, when adopted, where they got the dog from stuff like that... thanks chris
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