Hi all. Well first off, I live out in the sticks. All I can acquire is satellite or dial-up. Been on dailup for way too long, just about drove me insane. So, I have a brainstorm.
Let's go DIRECWAY! Started out with home pro-plan .74 dish 1-watt & DW7000. Just couldn't wait for the day of the installation to be completed, so I could go get online at a great speed! Istallation took about an hour. The installer was not knowledgeable about any kind of systems. I have a signal strength of 50 to 55 normally. It jumps around from time to time. There are many times when it is slower than dial-up, yet at other times it is faster! I also have 3 computers that are networked together. I have called tech support so many times, and still do not understand what was said to me, mainly because of the language barrier. Tonight, I downloaded 1.08Mb & an upload of 24K. Sounds like dial-up. Okay, well I've had it, I took the plunge today & upgraded to the HN7000S. We went with the home pro-PLUS plan, $49 more & $10 more extra a month. I must be losing my mind. Not including, the extra 15 month contract that I had to sign. As in the beginning, no options. It's better than dial-up sometimes. My new HN7000S should be here in a couple of weeks. I just can't wait to do the installation myself & see how my speeds are then! I'll let everyone know about the new speeds after all is done!