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About blizoop

  • Birthday 11/07/1986

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blizoop's Achievements

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Jr. Member (3/10)



  1. when do you wanna try and beat me...please please please, AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!
  2. alright awesome...add me "always later"
  3. i dont have it anymore, friend still has it.. lets play madden homie.
  4. blizoop


  5. blizoop


    i'm strictly madden...dunno which game to get next?!
  6. Hello hello once again. ...was wondering if we have any Madden (2005) Online players lurking around? If so...what is your "persona" name on the game, I'd love to whoop you up. =P haha...no but seriously.
  7. lol ... mwahahahaha
  8. ...or atleast something like that
  9. lol i'd rather ask a girl to just make a movie, much easier...plus i'd rather see an amateur...lol
  10. lol i totally didn't. when i registered i chose this one, before i ever knew of you!! calm yourself, not everyone wants to be like you =X
  11. lol why we changing our icons to mine & disturbed's? i chose this icon when i registered for my account, is this a problem?
  12. eh...thanks for all your help i convinced my mom into giving up the password. ...so lesson learned? set your password yourself so no one else can. ...funny thing was, i was thinking of doing it and was like nahh, not needed. but turns out i should of. anyway, i did now and thats that. thanks for all the help
  13. wont they say something to my parents?
  14. they decided to set a password because i have friends over often, and they think they'll order bad movies and crap, which they wont cause my room is all wired up and they dont know what does what. none the less, they set a pin number for certain channels -- showtime, hbo, etc... surely there has to be a master password right?
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