Ok, here is the story, I only have two broadband options in my area. One is Comcast, which unless I get the entire package deal (which I can't afford), is 52.99 a month (which I can't afford either).
My other option is Qwest, which is what I have. I am currently paying 32.99 a month for 256Kbps down and 256Kbps up DSL.
Currently for new users and 2 year commitment plans WITH QUALIFYING HOME PHONE PACKAGES, they offer 1.5Mbps/800something, and even 3-5/800something at 26.99!
Here is the catch, I have a metered phone service that is really cheap (I hardly use the phone at all) and Qwest wants to get rid of it, so I can't really switch any of my stuff around.
I am completely stuck with this 256/256 that is realistically more like 210/210.
What I am wondering, is since Qwest has been making a fortune off of me for 2 years now while offering everyone else faster services for cheaper, I don't feel any ethical issues with upping my speed myself.
Is it possible to get one of Qwest's own configs for, perhaps their 1.5/800whatever service to raise the cap on my DSL modem without getting caught? It isn't about ripping off everyone else by getting something insane like 8Mbps speeds, I just need a little faster download and upload. If anyone has any info or advice on what I can do, that would be great. Thanks.