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Beta Tester 23
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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by Forsi

  1. Over provisioned?! I call that getting what you pay for assuming you're on a 'Gigabit' plan! LOL Sorry, I'm still bitter from my experience with Frontier DSL SQM+CAKE should totally get rid of that +18ms increase when your upload is saturated
  2. I appreciate the reply and all the info! I'm currently using starlink as an automatic failover for the fiber using mwan3, so until I pause the service (because the fiber deployment in my area has been awesome) I'd be happy to give it a go on the beta with starlink as well. WOW though, 1000 tests in 4 days?! haha I was kinda afraid of getting in trouble for pulling too much data with just a few tests, but I guess that's a non issue eh? I'm currently looking for a Pi cm4 board or something openwrt capable with SFP and 2.5gbps ethernet interfaces soon which will give the ability to use the entire 1.25gbps fiber connection. Looking forward to testing that out! Is there anything planned or already in the beta that would show bufferbloat or give the latency changes from idle connection to loaded? There's only one... I guess 'mainstream' option for getting a read on this that I'm aware of outside of some linux utilities that virtually nobody but total nerds like me use xD I am getting real numbers (i.e. total saturation of the connection) to my remote server (screenshots), but 200MB goes so quickly here that I see it spike to 900ish megabit for only a second and the test is done, but showing 500-600mbps.
  3. When testing 1gbps up/down fiber connection over wired ethernet via the automatic test on both a laptop and desktop I see bandwidth much lower than I'd typically see when using my own remote server or other speed test utilities. After clicking the 'test again' button 3-4 times the download test seems to cap out at around 600mbps, and the upload test seems capped at around 400mbps. I don't think I've ever seen the expected results on the first run. It seems as though this is skewing test history to show an average of much less bandwidth than I have been able to confirm having through other testing methods https://www.waveform.com/tools/bufferbloat?test-id=d6c40a41-56e8-4770-ba94-756ae659094d Why do you need to test a connection that has that much bandwidth you ask? Well I guess I don't NEED to very often, but there seems to be an issue with the test servers and how the bandwidth is allocated on the initial test, so I figured asking about it wouldn't hurt. On subsequent back-to-back tests there seems to be a 'ramp up', at least on the download test, that then gives more accurate and expected results.
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