I have internet service -sharing type---can I use bandwidth controller ( h/w or s/w ) to arrange and divide it to many computers ? what are the conditions to do that ,it is sharing not dedicate type service ?,,,thank,,
Hi ,
I got a modem of DirecWay 4020 with IPS address of speed ( d.l. 512 kb/s -- u.p. 128 kb/s ) ; but this in fact is not good , it reaches to down loading of speed less than 30 kb/s ~4kB/s with failling at up loading mostly ...
So i want your help to get new IPS address to my net with DW4020....plz .....i think that i lost much money without benefits really...
Iraq --Baghdad
I have DW 4020 and I got router DI-808HV with ( H/W Ver.:A2 , F/W Ver.:1.38 ) ; when connected with
one PC it worked properly ( refer to its installation guide),but with
tow PCs just one worked ok while the other stopped connection with any
site ,yet the first stopped its internet explorer browser and then the
second worked good ; it appears like conflict ,how can solved this problem.
What are types of routers and why there is awide range of prices (50$ to1500$) and may be more,as I seen?.
Thankyou,and I want to thank every one to explain technical informations of routers.