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About joshkline

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. I had the same experience. Azureus worked perfectly with terrific speeds right after the upgrade but then about a week ago, out of the blue, it's NAT error in the NAT/firewall test, I appear firewalled...I did every possible troubleshooting step before calling Insight tech support. They admitted that they implemented throttling not long after the speed upgrade but insisted that it shouldn't affect my reachabliity etc. That's probably true assuming that they implemented it correctly but their level of incompetence is so great that I'm sure the problems are on their end. I'm dropping my whole Insight package and going to ATT for Dish, phone, and dsl. They throttle too (I called their tech support to ask) but from friends with that service I know that at least Azureus works correctly. I threatened to leave Insight alot (I was on the phone with them frequently this past year for internet problems) and now I look forward to writing them a letter explaining why I left along with my digital cable and hi def package and internet (a big bill they will no longer get from me)...and I'm going to tell all of my friends to do the same. Anywho...I just wanted to confirm the above's experience and share what Insight told me about throttling. Ch33rs
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