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Posts posted by Nomuken

  1. Thanks for the help :smitten: I just like using torrents because I find better results for things I need. I'll see about getting the static Ip though, but for the meantime I'll try Frostwire.  :grin:

    Again, Thanks so much for the help. I just really wanted to find a place where I could get a real answer.

  2. I haven't tried changing anything yet other than opening up ports but I'm not quite sure how to do anyting else. I'm at school right now so I can't do anything yet.

    How much is the static IP service and is there really no other way to make torrents go faster without that?

    Thanks for all the help and welcomes. :grin2:

  3. Okay my family got D-way at our house because we live somewhat in the country and I hate it because it's pretty much really slow for torrents and trying to download stepmania songs from certain sites.

    I've tried learning portforwarding and stuff and I don't really get it. And I'm not really all that great at dealing with computer problems. My download speeds for torrents are like 0-5 kb/s and that's about maximum. And for most regular downloads it's about 8-15kb/s. I'm fairly sure that those speeds are absolute garbage. Sorry I'm such a D.A. but can anyone help?

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