Do you know if your friend's laptop was optimized with TCP Optimizer?
Did it have at least 1GB of RAM?
Was it a built-in Wireless G card or was it an old Wireless B card?
Any of those and the other tips (VirusScan, SpyScan, Defragged HD, etc..) on this forum can slow down the speed.
Oh and I neglected to mention I have the Linksys HGA7T High Gain Antenna that I added onto my router which seemed to get rid of my dead spots. (and there are metal studs behind my walls)
I originally tried the Linksys Booster that worked great with my Wireless-B router, but it made it worse for G... Luckily I was able to sell that for more than I paid for it on eBay.
I want to go Wireless N, but all the reviews on Draft N says the performance is worse than G, so hold off at least another year until the standard is ratified.