richcornucopia you're obviously knowledgeable about speeds but you're careless. "Mbs" and "kbs" mean absolutely nothing. In the case of your post you have mistaken "Mbs" for the actual term"Mbps" standing for "Mega bits per second" and "kbs" for the actual term "KBs"
Your numbers are accurate if you make these replacements.
BUT for all you speed weenies who want to sound intelligent next time you open your mouth at a lan party here are the facts.
bits SUCK, likewise so did technology in the 70's I mean come on, the first cell phone was the size of a backpack. At the time transfer speeds were being developed the speeds were all measured in bits/second (don't confuse bits/s with baud it's a common misconception but they are not always equal)
computers are extremely powerful now and have enormous capacities. Your computer (I assume most reading this are running some version of windows) shows you all your files in KB, MB and GB and some crazy dude might have a file that says TB. These are "Bytes" Kilo, Mega, Giga, Tera, respectively
1 Byte = 8 bits
8000 bits = 1000 Bytes = 1 KB
We do everything on computers in the Kilo, and Mega Byte range. Luckily some idiot decided that data transfer rates, LAN, WAN, Serial blah blah, should be measured in bits. GREAT IDEA!! Anyway no sense in arguing, what's screwed up is screwed up.
So your lovely cable/dsl/dialup providers give you these pretty numbers in kbps or Mbps. and here is the easiest part. If you learned to add in 1st grade you can calculate what the rates are actually moving at so that it is relative to an MP3.. Because last time I checked nobody said here just grab my three-million three-hundred twenty-five thousand ninehundred twenty-five bit MP3. NO.. he said here it's just under 3 Mega Bytes
Cable provider says you get 768Kbps, sounds good. Well lets check
768 Kilo bits per second = 768,000 bits per second
Divide 768,000 by 8 to get how many Bytes... = 96000 Bytes
and 96000 divided by 1000 (Kilo) = 96 Kilo Bytes or 96KB WOW
or I could cheat and see that it's already in Kilo bits and divide by 8
768/8 = 96KB By todays High speed standards, that sucks. 11 seconds or so a MB that's 30-40 seconds for a 3 min MP3
Okay a tricky one for that math wiz
3Mbps okay I like to use the tricks of the trade. rather than convert a bunch of times make the Mega into Kilo and divide by our crafty bit -> Byte conversion.
3Mbps = 3000Kbps
3000Kbps/8 bits = 375KB
There we go now we get our 3 min MP3 in 10 -15 seconds
Okay well you get the idea. don't make mistakes with your "B" = Bytes and your "b" = bits and you'll feel good.
If anyone made it to here I applaud you for listening to my rambling. I Hope I made someone smarter and the dumb more confused. Good Day.