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Everything posted by LigmaBalls

  1. i also found this post who gets really close to useing wlm 11 https://wink.messengergeek.com/t/windows-live-messenger-2011-connect-to-local-server-is-this-possible/18540 but there is a forum called messenger geek and it has lots of helpful stuff
  2. has anyone used msn messenger becuase you can use it again if you go to escargot.chat you can use msn messenger go here for msn or windows live Client Support Status: Almost complete MSN 1 Supported1 6 MSN 2 Supported MSN 3 Supported MSN 4 Supported MSN 5 Supported2 MSN 6 Supported2 MSN 7 Supported2 3 WLM 8 Supported2 4 5 WLM '09 Supported2 5 WLM '11 Not yet WLM '12 Not yet Notes 1. These do not use secure login, so we recommend using a separate password, which you can manage in your Legacy Settings. 2. MSN 5/6/7/8 and WLM '09 work on Windows XP and Vista, but have issues logging in due to known incompatibilities with the HTTPS protocols between the server and the affected OSes and us being unable to tweak our setup to effectively support those systems. Refer to this guide for a fix. 3. MSN 7 supports receiving offline messages (OIMs), but can't send them to others. 4. Only 8.1.0178 and 8.5 are known to work; others might not. 5. While WLM 8 and '09 can work on Windows XP, they have some incompatibilities out of the box because of the way older systems handle SSL, as such, we recommend using a newer operating system or trying the same fix as MSN 5/6/7/8 (point 2) 6. MSN 1 only supports login on @hotmail.com, however simply enter your username without @escargot.chat and ignore the @hotmail.com part.
  3. how is your upload really slow but your download is really fast
  4. nice the oldest computer i had in the basement was a powermac G5 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Power_Mac_G5 and its the scary conductive watercooled one because for some reason they put the powersupply under the watercooling system and it would leak and corrode the while thing and since it was conductive it would short some how min hadn't leak
  5. bro i always wanted something like that i use a dell optiplex 7050 micro as a beam ng drive server and as my gaming pc that was actually good Device name DESKTOP-6IE4HL1 Processor AMD Ryzen 5 1600 Six-Core Processor 3.20 GHz Installed RAM 32.0 GB System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor Pen and touch No pen or touch input is available for this display RTX 2080 MSI Sea Hawk x https://www.msi.com/Graphics-Card/GeForce-RTX-2080-SEA-HAWK-X/Specification
  6. my old dell dementia got 1 Mbps on internet thats supposed to get 500 (it had a 10base-t ethernet card) i was like 5 using internet explorer 5
  7. and its virzion fios internet in virginia
  8. oh yea do not connect your routor to the last ethernet port because it has (pirority) thing and the less green ones are insanely slow if you have one connect it to the really green last port
  9. my home internet speed through a old 2012 netgear switch connected to a gaming routor with a 100 feet flat cat 5e ethernet (supports 1 gigabit) https://www.downloads.netgear.com/files/GDC/GS605AV/GS605AV_IGprt_20sept2012.pdf my specs Processor AMD Ryzen 5 1600 Six-Core Processor 3.20 GHz Installed RAM 32.0 GB System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor Pen and touch No pen or touch input is available for this display Ethernet realtek PCIe GbE Famliy controller
  10. its not elementary school middle school
  11. idk what wifi card my Chromebook has its a Lenovo 300e 2nd generation intel
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