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  1. Today I was informed Fios is available here in Hamburg (4 Seasons subdivision) Its been around the corner on Sowles for the past 8 months. My only problem is whats the cost going to be in a year when the promo is over???? Verision rep told me they have no answer for this question and that this was the number one question asked by customers signing up for Fios. Also seeing some of these post about poor speeds and the remedies Verision is providing is making me wonder if this is a good ideal? I am a BIG TIME pc gamer some lag with Time Warner cable but with a 20/5 package from Fios Thats some blazing speed!!! But can they deliver what they say they can???? Time Warner is a RIPOFF I'm sick of the cable company what should I do????? Hummmmmm I'M GOING TO TRY FIOS
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