Just thought I'd vent here about my experiences on 3/18/2005 with Time Warner Roadrunner in LA & my experiences with them in general lately. Specifically, my internet speed was absolutely abysmal on Friday and I called Time Warner up to see if this was a problem I had caused by downloading some programs and tweaking them or if something was wrong with their system. Anyway, the retarded woman who answered insisted that there was nothing wrong with their server and it must be my computer. Well I then proceeded to waste my time and tinker with my computer for about 5 hours with endless boots and reboots and got nowhere and felt like I was knocking my head against a brick wall. Later in the evening service began to get to normal browsing speed again.
I asked my brother in law who lives nearby & is on the same service if he had problems, he said he had problems the whole day and couldn't even connect most of the time (I could connect but it took too much time). The bottom line is I'm furious at Time Warner for hiring these incompotents now who can't even give you a direct straight honest answer. I'm not upset that there was problems with their service, I'm upset because they wouldn't admit to it and as a result I wasted alot of time and energy messing about with my computer. Lately, it seems when I talk to someone on the phone there for technical help., English is either a second language or they know nothing period.[pre][/pre]