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Everything posted by green8arrow

  1. thanks for the help anyway... i appreciate it..........
  2. yes... i am... but im not from around europe.... im from the philippines... its in SE asia..
  3. i fixed it accidentally i guess... ahhahaah.... u must be my lucky angel.... :cheesy: :grin:
  4. could somebody help me install my phone correctly?.... everytime i connect my phone to my laptop, the computer initiates a hardware installation wizard then after that it says it wasn't installed successfully because i couldn't create a stable subkey ib the phoneparent and so on........... it also sometimes says that it could find the driver specified. btw, my phone's a Nokia 6680...... thnks..... please help..... thanks.........
  5. its starting to scan... thanks... could i ask another question guyz?....
  6. it says it cant download if the browsers not internet explorer.....
  7. and oh... i think the applications are initiated by windows system.... i'm not really sure, it just says so in each title bar that i came from windows.... sorry for being so naive about these things.... that's why i need your help
  8. could somebody help me on fixing problems in my computer? i am using a laptop and everytime my computer reboots, there are so many command prompts popping up (up to 6). and then after a while they start disappearing.... are these viruses? please help me fix this.... and oh... after al other command promts disappear, there's this one left that says "operation failed: cannot access the pif file. choose close to terminate the application" im really paranoid about this... i love my laptop so much... lol... any help will be much appreciated. kamsahamnida.....
  9. :::.. testmy.net test results ..::: Download Connection is:: 425 Kbps about 0.43 Mbps (tested with 579 kB) Download Speed is:: 52 kB/s Upload Connection is:: 373 Kbps about 0.4 Mbps (tested with 748 kB) Upload Speed is:: 46 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net (Server 1) Test Time:: 2007/04/29 - 6:44pm D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-JAPZ6LMTO U-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-0I275BOUW User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070312 Firefox/ [!] i hope their service improves a lot more than this. but i could just bare with this low connection. its better than nothing right? wish somebody would help us tweak and improve our stats..... :evil:
  10. Download Connection is:: 425 Kbps about 0.43 Mbps (tested with 579 kB) Download Speed is:: 52 kB/s Upload Connection is:: 373 Kbps about 0.4 Mbps (tested with 748 kB) Upload Speed is:: 46 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net (Server 1) Test Time:: 2007/04/29 - 6:44pm D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-JAPZ6LMTO U-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-0I275BOUW User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070312 Firefox/ [!] are these good numbers for a smart bro subscriber. this is really getting awkward....
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