[glow=red,2,300]Guys, check your LOCAL AREA CONNECTION.
Leche talaga ang SmartBro. Nag-issue sila ng QuickFix version 2 para eventually ma-lock nila ang canopy access natin by turning our static ip address to dynamic ip add and then at the same time para mapalitan nila ang Local Area Connection Speed natin.
Before we used to have 100Mbps local area connection speed, but now check nyo ang lan speed nyo, naka-set na lang siya sa 10Mbps.
Gravity talaga ang SmartBro.
Di ba nila alam na sa gnagawa nila eh ang mga subscibers maghahanap ng mga ways to improve the connection by trying to install speed-up-connection-related softwares and by tweaking the settings and thereby experiment many things that eventually might lead to destroying the efficiency of the connection if not sure of what a user is doing.