I would like to prove that the calculator is wrong so here goes just read and you will see!
First off the conversion chart and the calculator on this very same site contradict each other.
The conversion chart, which is correct by the way http://www.testmy.net/tools/conversion_table.php states that 1024 Bytes equals 8192 bits which is correct cause 8 bits equals 1 byte, its a fact plain and simple no gray area.
Now go ahead and try to convert 1024 KiloBytes into Kilobits http://www.testmy.net/tools/convert.php?gen=gen&num=1024&MAKE=CONVERT+%21T&c=0 and low and behold the wrong answer! it gives you 8389 instead of the correct answer 8192.
To further prove the calculator is clearly wrong lets try this in the calculator, now remeber 8 bits equals 1 Byte...
Lets convert 1Kilobyte to Kilobits http://www.testmy.net/tools/convert.php?gen=gen&num=1&MAKE=CONVERT+%21T&c=0
aha it correctly states 8 Kilobits...
OK now lets try 2Kilobytes to Kilobits http://www.testmy.net/tools/convert.php?gen=gen&num=2&MAKE=CONVERT+%21T&c=0
and again its states the correct answer 16 Kilobits...
But here is where it goes off, lets try 3Kilobytes to Kilobits which should give us 24 since 3x8 is 24...
But alas we get 25 as the answer! From here on the larger the amount of data you convert the wider the variance gets!
So there you see the calculator is plain out wrong and should be fixed, I love the site I think its great, I didn't mean to piss off people but just wanted to state that there is a problem with the calculator and hopefully it can be fixed to make a great site even better