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About jeydicee127

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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Earning Trust (1/10)



  1. thanx a lot thugs for the helpful post, frostbound too... thnx dudes...
  2. probably not all smartbro subscribers are having problems with their speeds, but i am one of their really pissed clients. my down load rate ranges frm 6.x kB/s to 15.xkB/s. nway, im from Rizal
  3. im using smartbro (of course) formerly (smart wi-fi) and can access my canopy using without having to change my TCP/IP properties,i tried to change the sustained downlink and uplink data rate with both 500, part 3 of your post. but after saving and rebooting, i got this message from the tray (LAN icon) that i have a limited or no connection so i had to put back the default value. it really sucks! anyway, did this after the guys from tech support were here yesterday to fix my connection, they replaced my radio and changed my color code, but still having a slow connection. Did i missed any? or it just dont work for me. i would really apperciate to know anything from you. thanks so much...
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