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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by JCM

  1. We are a suckers. They give poor service right across Canada. Here on the west coast we all get cut back and never receive what we pay for. After much squaking (almost 2 years). I received high speed for about 3 months ( along with 2 other local users), then bang back down to slow speeds. Every time you call them thay want you to stand on your left foot - piss out of your right ear and scratch behind your back with you ----. I phoned them the other day after getting about 400Kb on a level 2 service and the tech started saying that you should be in safe mode now when you do your tests. I red him the results (3 tests per day) for 1 month and eve he then commented that that was slower than I should be getting. He then started his speed about routers etc again and I told him to forget it - I was going to my lawyer and hung up. My speeds went back up to about 900Kb down but still only 95kb up (paying for 256). I went to a friends hous today who just had the unit installed ( about 2 miles away) same speeds. I suggested that they return it on the 30 day trial. Another user out here just told them to shove it ( he just got access to wirless) and they offered to give him better service (after 2 years of discontent). Return it under the 30 trial if you can. The equipment is being sold out here for $399.00 with a $100.00 rebate - xplornet mail out - today. GET OUT WHILE YOU CAN!!!!
  2. I think the only way to get what we were promised is to do spped test every day and keep a record of them - I paste into word and call every day any complain. Last time I did that for a month I received promised speeds for about 3 months. It was about a week ago that all my neighbours noticed a major cut back again. Waste their time and money as they do ours.
  3. Don't feel bad. We have all been screwed. I have been a customer for the last 1/1/2 year and constantly gone through the speed drop, BS tech support until my neighbour and myself called every day for tech support ( about 2 weeks). We were then put on the 3rd tier (paying for 1 meg - 2nd tier). We were running about 1.2 to 1.4 constantly until yesterday when I found that my internet was dead. After rebooting the modem and router I was back on line at 500K later 800k. The usual tech BS - unplug this, stand on your head, fart out of your right ear etc. After 1 hour I was told that - oh yes they were delivering a speed within THEIR parameters. As before I told them to bill me for what that deliver NOT what they promised. One pissed off tech support. I contacted my neighbour who was now at 500K. He wrote them a nice letter telling them that he cancelled his credit card # and that they could bill him each month for what they provided (% of) and not what they promised. We have found that Bell is providing internet off of a new Telus cell tower - unlimited for $79.00 per month. The signal strength varies around the house but we are looking into a cell antenae and figuring out how to connect into main computer (card presently goes into a laptop) and to 2 computers via a hub or router. I tried (1 hour) to find out from Telus what they offered. One department to another until I found out that they offered 1 gig per month for $100.00 - I told them to get real. I will let you know more if cell tower internet is feasible. I would also suggest that don't let Xplornet get off the hook - keep calling them every day until they get tired and do something - Just my 2 cents worth ( about 2 1/2 American).
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