Hello. We have been surfing the web on our HDTV since last Aug. We have a video card with DVI-D output. The video card is NVDIA QUADRO NVS 55 PCI GRAPHIC.
Yesterday the tv said "no DVI signal". I checked all the connections. I even changed the PC with our backup PC (it was used with the HDTV until a couple of months ago), that also has the same card. Still no DVI signal. I have no way to check the DVI cable, but since it is less than a year old, I doubt that is the problem.
The TV is an ilo 32HD, it is 7months old and not in warranty. it has both DVI and HDMI inputs for PC connections.We have always used the DVI.
Today I had to connect it up with and S-video connection to the TV, but after watching a digital picture for 7 months, analog just is the Pits, and it does not completely fill the screen. Please Help. ~Dan