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James Vyper

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About James Vyper

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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Earning Trust (1/10)



  1. Hi all, I got a Problem, which is my ADSL(network) connection cable is Damaged. < 2 wires in the Cable are Cut > I bought a TOOL to fix it ( Its like a Cable Staple Gun for connection cables ) After i did it like 4 times. Now,its not working Properly, it connects to the Internet for 5seconds then suddenly disconnects and continues doing this connect/disconnect problem. I want to know is the problem from the Cable itself ( maybe some wires are still damaged and i keep on trying to fix it ) Or from the main Rauter, or anything else. I'm on a Dial-up connection at the moment, so i couldnt scroll and search if there are any similar posts to help me with my issue. Really i appreciate your help, thanks for your time reading my Post. Yours, James.
  2. Welcome to Testmy.net. Guern Enjoy
  3. Welcome, Eprad.
  4. Hello, I'm new to this magnificant site. Wish i'll Enjoy. Have fun Hey everybody ,,/.. EDIT : I Don't know where is the Troubles section, since i have lots of problems need help solving it. Thanks
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