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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by Graywolfie

  1. Maybe so netmasta. I am no expert on the subject by any stretch. However, how would you explain this. I can go to speakeasy, pittsburgh and test my speed
  2. I've been following this forum and it is very informative. I figured I'd put my two cents worth into this thread. I've personnally been through so many tweaks/settings/adjustments I should be spinning. I also have the 6000/768 for about one week. I upgraded because I found out you could get it here in the forum. I live in the Greensburg area of PA just east of Pittsburgh. The people at the local Comcast office weren't hardly aware that there was even a faster speed available until I asked about it and they checked into it. They said they never had anyone ask about it. Go figure. Anyway, I exchanged my old RCA modem of 5 years for a new WebStar 2100. I called Comcast and had my account upgraded and then connected with a tech person and all he said for me to do was cycle the modem, which I knew, and poof....everything would work. Well, that's all fine and dandy, and yes, I have great upload speed always above 700 everytime I check. The download however is really goofy. Like I said, I tried everything suggested, settings, eliminating the router from the mix, swap cables, splitters, blah, blah blah.... Still the same basic result. BUT, I read somewhere around here that if you change the MAC address on the WAN side of the router (LinksSYS BEFSR41) and then reboot the modem it would assign a new IP and see what happens. Fortunately I have a half dozen or so NIC's lying around. So I tried each ones MAC address, methodically. The results are interesting. Some IP addresses give me dismal results, under 2000 down (upload is always high), a few give me 2800 to 4000, and one gives me mid 4000 consistantly. Interesting eh? Actually out of everything I tried doing this gave me the most improved result. Unfortunately, I have yet to reach the 6000 everyone talks about. If I return back to any previous IP's (the lease is still valid so I get the same IP) sure enough the speed returns to what I got for that IP. I've tried the process 3 different days with all results the same. So, I picked the best one and that is what I am using at the moment. My thoughts on ppl who are going gang busters and then see a drop off... could it be that their IP lease expires... a new IP is assigned and thus the drop??? Therefore, it seems to me that the lack of speed has little to do with the routers, computers, settings, modems inside anyone's humble abode. It seems the trouble is "out there in Comcast Land" and until they solve it we are doing nothing but spinning our wheels is some cases. It seems the cable system has been built in so many stages, coax, fiber etc and added so many features, analog, digital, telephone service, internet.... that it is probably one big confusing mess that no one tech person can comprehend. I am by far no expert, just tinkering around like most here for the best speed. I just wish I could get assigned the magical IP that gives the advertised speed. As frustrating as this is, to comfort myself I just think about the old days of AOL and going to make a sandwich while you waited for the computer to yell out "WELCOME!" after dialing 3 numbers a dozen times each....lol. Good Luck!
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