No, I'm not kidding. You are correct, I cannot get dialup. Landline service is beyond deplorable.. cant carry on a simple voice conversation without being beat to death by static crackles and pops. I've ditched the landline and use my cellular. However, I am roaming where I live..but thats what voicemail is for. I'll call you back when I go into town.
Either way, I'm still getting service levels that outrun anything I could get on dialup, even with a perfect quality line. Besides.. when you figure in $30 for dialtone, and $15 for IP, the $4 (cheaper) difference isnt worth the lower speeds. And thats before taxes and unfees are figured in.
Until my service degrades beyond the point where dialup would provide more bandwidth, I can say that I am satisfied with the service, and would still recommend it to anyone else that is in a similar situation. I move a lot of data, and even though it takes me a bit longer to do so at these lower bitrates, at least I can keep doing it without being locked down with a silly FAP that DirecWay users experience.