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About T3h_ChIpMuNk

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. Did both, still coming up with spanish ads.
  2. Nothing happened.
  3. Mozilla Firefox.
  4. Apparently I didn't. This thing seems to keep taunting me.... It's like as soon as I think I got it, it appears again. I deleted all my cookies. I don't know where the caches are though....This thing is so infuriating. :mad2: :tickedoff: :tickedoff:
  5. :shocked: They're gone. :shocked: Went to go check my myspace, ads are back to English... Back to regular google
  6. Will do.
  8. I did change the preferences, however, it still says Espana at the bottom of it. On some of the links on the "ads by google" come up in Spanish, along with some of the ads on Myspace. Funny thing is, I ran CWshredder on my other computer, and the Spanish google is gone, but the Spanish ads on myspace stay the same. On my other computer, there are still some Myspace ads in Spanish, as well as Google.
  9. Sadly, I'm quite the newb when it comes to computers. It appears that my problem still hasn't been solved. Got on to myspace, ads are either still in Spanish, or I have one ad in Spanish and another in English. WTF?!?!
  10. I know this was a couple of months ago, however, I have the same problem. I read through and found the CWShreder- that took care of the Spanish ads on Myspace. However, my Google is still stuck in Espana.
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