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About sheldonjohnc

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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    Quezon City, Philippines
  • Interests
    Lost in cyber space

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Earning Trust (1/10)



  1. Thanks coolbuster! I'm just wondering why I'm getting to the 1.2 -1.4 MB test then TMN will say that I'm only at 500kbps, anyway I'll try the new MTU by tomorrow if my cousins will not use the wireless desktop
  2. Just tried the same tweak on a wireless desktop PC and for some strange reason it can not establish a connection. Any suggestions? Thanks as usual.
  3. Hi All- I just had my Bayantel DSL reinstalled last saturday because they just had an upgrade of 384kbps to 768kbps and can bust up to 1.2mb on SOD. Unfortunately its been a week now and I'm unable to get the righ speed per the package I'd avail current speed that I'm getting is between 300kbps t0 400kbps, numerous calls had been placed to fix this issue but same answers (shared bandwidth), then I saw the tweak by coolbuster (thanks BTW!) and gave it a try. After a few minutes and a few restart (because my router is not accepting the MTU level that is prescribed, but was able to make the darn thing work ). I tested it on testmy speed test and totally shocked that I was able to reach the 1.2MB test, however, results shows that I'm still on the same speed as before 300 - 400 kbps. Tested on a different speed test website (www.speedtest.net and speakeasy) and I'm getting a different result(s), from the test I'm getting 1.2MB to 2MB. My question is, which of the test that I'd took is correct or atleast reliable? Thanks in advance BR, /sheldon
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