To be honest, I already knew about changing the values in the QoS tab when I access would be possible, but I was asking if it is worth the risk to do it "again"?
The reason behind this is because I had already accessed my Canopy settings last 2 weeks ago and it really made wonders with my connection, BUT after the day I changed values in the QoS tab, I got disconnected from the internet and I had to call SmartBRO's customer service number and ask for a field technician to go over our residence to fix my problems. Now my antenna has been replaced and my connection has been fixed however, it was rather slow, maybe because when I accessed, and looked at the QoS tab, I found out that the values on Sustained Uplink/Downlink Data rate is only 256 each. I know I can change it manually again to obtain better internet speed but I was afraid to loose connection again. I need help...
Is there a proper way or procedure to ensure that I will not loose internet connection again after I edited settings in my Canopy homepage /?