Here's the kwento.
SmartBro works fine when connected to the laptop, since was where it was first configured. Now, I assert to those technicians [?] to set it also to my desktop PC running Wind0ze. Tragically, things began to change when I couldn't get Bro working on teh desktop PC. LOL. I couldn't access the Bro Portal or the Canopy config itself, for that matter. And to think that the two monitors on my systray are lighted up. Wah.
I have decided to change to Ubuntu Feisty. Since I have two hard drives on my CPU, it's just a matter of switching the IDE cable. But then again, Ubuntu was not configured by the technicians [?] when they were here.
1. How do I fix Bro on my desktop PC running wind0ze?
2. How do I fix Bro on my Ubuntu Feisty?
I'll wait for the replies. LOL. Thanks. And oh, if ever this thread happens to be redundant, please don't hesitate to PM me the link, then delete this thread.