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About Da-Haole

  • Birthday 03/12/1940

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    Kauai, HI

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  1. I'm sorry I did not see this till today, but YES I will be clicking daily!
  2. Amen! This guy scares the hell out of me!
  3. Thanks Tommie!
  4. Happy Birthday justinlay and a prayer for many more!
  5. Aloha! 85% Mostly sunny, winds NNE 18 mph. Good breeze,feels great. How about you, and where are you?
  6. Aloha Tommie, Can you share what TMN tweaks your talking about? Mahalo
  7. Aloha, I'm not very knowledgeable about forums, as you can see I don't post that much, but do read. Anyway, one of my 1st.post was about "hating" Vista. And should have returned to that thread(?) and posted a follow up. I actually LOVE Vista now! Well, Vista Home Premium anyway. I have no problems what so ever, however there are times I miss XP Pro, maybe because I was use to it? I do know I wouldn't have bought the program itself & upgraded to it, at least not for quite awhile. In fact I almost didn't buy this machine because Vista came with it, but the price (I feel) was to good to pass up. OH! Just thought, Right now I don't like 64-bit, some of my old programs don't run on it. This is my 1st. store bought computer, I'd been given my 1st. computer (used) with Windows 3.1, 1994 I think. And then soon after that, I built my own, 5 altogether, not even knowing how to spell "computer". WOW! Did I get off topic or what? SORRY! I'm intrigued after reading this thread about installing 2 OS's on this new machine. So, am going to check it out. Mahalo!
  8. Ditto on that! fixed your quote kinda
  9. WAIT! Hold that thought while I write that down!
  10. NO! Not a dumb question at all. When I booted this morning the shortcut was gone. I got so use to XP Pro & Vista is gonna take some time to get use to. Thanks to all of you!
  11. Thanks much! 1 more question though, Is there any other way of booting in safe mode? I don't think my wireless keyboard will let me use the F-Keys when booting up or do I need to install a wired keyboard before rebooting to enter safe mode? Thanks again.
  12. a program that is no longer on my Vista PC? Vista help & support is a joke! Thanks in advance. Da-Haole
  13. Hope this is how to show my test :::.. testmy.net test results ..::: Download Connection is:: 6567 Kbps about 6.57 Mbps (tested with 6144 kB) Download Speed is:: 802 kB/s Upload Connection is:: 679 Kbps about 0.7 Mbps (tested with 1496 kB) Upload Speed is:: 83 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net (Main) Test Time:: 2008/06/20 - 2:47am D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-WBLJDFAZV U-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-93CPBQA4E User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/20080404 Firefox/ [!]
  14. Thanks Mudman! We've lived her 21 years & haven't got island fever yet, thank God! As far as Vista, I posted that just before I read the thread in General Discussions Forum & I probably wouldn't have made that hate remark.
  15. Aloha, I'm Da Haole living on Kauai Island, retired with DW of 51 years. Just one old computer geek who recently discovered I don't know near as much as I thought I did. Last Friday I bought my 1st.store bought PC with Vista Home Premium (I hate it) after 8years of building my own (5), last 3 with XP Pro. Hench, that's when I discovered I'm an For sure I'll be visiting the Computer Forum! Mahalo Test My Net for all! Da Haole
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