I know this, more than well, and I didn't even say that there is some cap. I wrote that there is no point getting superfast connection service only for the exitement of having one and because "they sold it cheap..".
I did exaggerate on some parts for a reason...
Sure...they offer free games too...( this gategory motherboard are free today if you know where to go and get them..)
So, you are trying to say that it's a kind of a "feature" when client MUST tweak and search (for rest of his/hers life..) to get almost the speed they have bought ? They should stalk the right moment with their tweaked and twisted protocol to get the adverticed speed for just a short moment of download...
Do you really say that it's advisable to use both LANs on dual GBit motherboard for downloading ? Well, be my guest...
I've had dual GBit motherboards for years (like on this Maximus Formula) and other gear that should give the speed it's advertized to give. The true speed of HW is not directly related to the text saying what it's hoped to be. This has been tested during several years on multiple setups and methods.
I have seen the light....
Really...what kind of network do you have inside the university ? Internet ?
True, on special network setups you can naturally get top speeds. How many average home users do have such connection type to net ? Not many.
I didn't know that this site is only for students that are using direct connections to mainframe...
In other words, mostly you don't have stable speed.
I'm on 40/2 and I get 21 300Kbit/s +- 2000 (about 2.7 MB/s) down as average. That is as "stable" as it can be but that's INSIDE country. I don't get that if I download from Australia or Siberia.
If you get occassionally 2.8 MB/s (which is over the 24/2.5 theoretical speed..), that's ok, but that is not the speed you can call stable. That's only a random burst speed.
The real misinformation is when someone is trying to convince someone else that it is natural to get 90% of advertized speed on any pile of crapware. No matter of distances etc.
I would call it a fraud.
P.S. If it's somehow limited or forbidden to write negative (the real world..) things here then I'm really sorry. I guess you have to ban me.