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About bmcguirk

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. Just to throw in my 2cents. When I called verizon today about upgrading to the faster 3.0 Mbps, they checked what I have now and said that the .7Mpbs was what they were offering when I signed up a year or so ago. They have upgraded it to 3Mpbs and said I should see the diference in a day or two depending on the backlog of people getting upgraded. So you might want to give verizon a call in addition to the advice you get from the helpful folks here on the forum. Bob
  2. bmcguirk

    Very slow

    Well, after reading things in the forum, I thought the first thing to do would be to check with Verizon.
  3. bmcguirk

    Very slow

    New guy here and from reading some of the other posts it seems as though my connection is pretty slow.
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