I have been running into some strange issues as of late.
I have a 100/100 mbps fiber connection at home, and have not had any issues until yesterday. On this site, I was getting as much as 85mbps down, which is what I would expect for my connection type. All of a sudden, it has dropped between 5-6 mbps consistently.
I started doing some troubleshooting, and have the following observations/data:
1. My Verizon LTE hotspot is getting between 8-20 mbps. These tests are run in conjunction, or right before or after the fiber tests. With Verizon, I would expect 7-25 mbps. This tells me that there is likely nothing wrong with the website.
2. From both connections, I am running a tracert to www.testmy.net. Everything looks ok until the hand off from networklayer.com to theplanet.com. During this time, I get a "request timed out" error. I am wondering if this could possibly be impacting the speedtests with my fiber connection. I also did this through my Cogent fiber connection at work, and got the same issue.
3. From my fiber connection, I ran several tracert and ping tests to different website, and got quite a few timeouts
4. All of the succesful pings are between 20-80ms, so I don't suspect an issue there.
5. I have repeated all of the above tests from different computers, wired/wireless, and on my iPad/iPhone, and have had essentially the same results. I also completed the tests while connected directly to my gateway (bypassing the router).
6. My router was replaced last week (asus rt-n66u), so I doubt it is the issue. Also, messing with MTU sizes, firewall settings, UPnP, etc., didn't seem to help either.
I spoke to my current fiber ISP at home, and they told me that they will only guarantee their speeds within their network. Anything outside of this is out of their control. While this may be partially true, a 100mbps connection should not drop to 5-6 regardless of what network it is in.
Initially, I thought that all signs point to peering, but I am hesitant to put the blame there, as everything looked ok yesterday.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.