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Everything posted by creepy21

  1. plug in the the PC in LAN port then the canopy to.... LAN port or WAN port of the router? if u say in WAN port i found an ip in STATUS connected in Internet which is 192.168.xxx.xxx and in the gateway which is 192.168.x.x where in gateway i found DHCP status is ENABLED and NAT ENABLED. specify how to.... I'm using ASUS RX3041 router... tnx in advance.
  2. sorry to say but i did this already and i still can't open the canopy page. actually i got connected to internet but it's is not my account. before i got this problem i used this steps * Click on Use the following IP address option. Enter these data: * IP address: * Subnet mask: * Default gateway: leave it blank * Click on Use the following DNS Server addresses: * Preferred DNS server: leave it blank * Alternate DNS server: leave it blank * After you entered correctly all the data, press Ok. and in cmd promt i type "arp -a" and i got a lot of Canopy IP address so i copy all and save, then when i do enable DHCP thats the time i can't open the canopy page and i don't have internet connection so i did this step again but i used the other Canopy IP address "" that i copied and try to save actually this is not my Canopy IP address this Canopy IP address belongs to other subscriber. i don't know how it happen but it works. even i have an internet connection still i want to use my own canopy ip or my antenna.
  3. i mean i already tweak my smartbro and it works but since i want to explore more in canopy page i try enable DHCP and NAT, after i reboot i try to go back in canopy configuration page but now cant access to the canopy page. is my canopy antenna blocked? pls i need help how to open the page.
  4. Hi guyz need ko po ng help. sa sobra ko kalikot nai pagopen ko kc ng config sa canopy na-enable ko ung NAT den nai-save at nareboot ko na rin after non di n ako makaaccess sa, block na ba antenna ko? pls help pano ko ibalik sa dati You'll get more answers if you spek the foeum language, English
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